Eliminate the Paperwork Black Hole:Plumberspack Newsletter

PlumbersPack Software We’ve all been there before: the paperwork black hole. Everything is right there in the file cabinet, good luck finding it. For example, we need to repair a rooftop air conditioner: We have all the information we need at our fingertips. First we go to the file cabinet or to QuickBooks, drag out all of the old invoices, and identify the equipment. Next we need find warranty dates. Finally, we need to sort through the invoices to pull together the customers repair history. The secretary needs to retype it all again on the work-order for the service techs to reference the prior work done.


Let’s not forget the typical flow from sales to installation. The secretary takes a call from a customer asking for a quote. She leaves a sticky note on the salespersons desk. With luck the salesperson finds the note, calls the prospect, and sets up a site visit. The sales person goes to the site, makes lots of notes, and gives the customer a quote. The salesperson puts the quote in his folder and goes back to the office.


When the customer calls, panic sets in. Where is the quote? Where are the notes from the site visit? We finally pull all of the information together, and try to schedule an install. We hand write a purchase order for our vendor(s). It falls into the same paperwork black hole. With luck, the warehouse guy realizes the unit that just came in must go somewhere. Otherwise, it gets stored in the warehouse until the customer calls complaining about the status of their new installation. This is followed by another wild search.

for Quick Books is designed to eliminate the paperwork black hole. Installed equipment is automatically recorded, with warranty information. Initial site visit work-orders and notes are linked to the quote and installation work-order automatically. All of this can be printed with the work-order.

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