Plumbing Companies, Scheduling and Dispatch Software

Service and Scheduling for a Plumber:  Scheduling can be a real bear for a plumbing company. When you are busy, things are going crazy. The calls come in one right after the other, sometimes several at once. You don’t want to rely on a bunch of notes scribbled on slips of paper. Information needs to flow seamlessly from the initial call to the dispatcher, and finally to the invoice without duplication.

The average person feels more comfortable writing hand notes. Business will slow down this afternoon, and they can enter the data into their software. Good Luck. Calls start to fall through the cracks.

Let’s not forget the duplicate entry trap. I keep everything right here in front of me.  I enter the call and customer information into my notes, then I enter it again on the technician’s field ticket, finally I re-enter it again into my QuickBooks customer invoice. Service calls get lost, or worse the work gets done and never billed, and the owner wonders why he or she is not making the money other plumbing companies are making.

Successful service companies make sure that the software process is followed, even when things are crazy. Information is entered while the customer is on the line. The service software is set-up for fast data entry. Everything is entered on a single screen. Critical information is required so that nothing is missed. Information flows directly into the dispatch calendar without duplicate entry.

Dispatch Software: The dispatcher is critical to the process. He or she needs to be able to review the open calls at a glance. He or she needs to prioritize and group them so that the technicians are not running back and forth across town. To do that they need a simple, easy to use dispatch board, combined with a map showing the calls, and the current location of the techs. It’s also important to group your maintenance calls by location. Good scheduling can save a lot of money.

Backflow Inspection: The Plumbers Pack Software process is designed to remind you when they are due. Since our software completely automates this reminder process you have more time to identify and re-price unprofitable agreements. Then there is the billing side. Recurring invoices in QuickBooks aren’t much hope without a process. You just have notes and an invoice that keeps repeating itself. The process becomes a blizzard of paperwork, duplicate entry, and confusion. Business owners get so wrapped up in the daily paperwork that they neglect to review the history and profitability of their existing agreement before they send out the renewal notices. Plumbers Pack has a process that allows you to keep track of these things on a timely basis. Maintenance calls are created automatically and displayed as PM’s on the calendar board. The person who is responsible for assigning the PM’s can see all the calls, and sort them by town, zip code, or territory. In that way, they can be combined by location for better routing.

For Example: Your technician calls in to report that he or she is finished with the job and is an hour away from the office. Now is the time to make the most of your new Plumbers Pack software. With a click of a button you can find additional work in the town or zip-code close to the tech’s location. With another click you can send him or her information needed with our mobile solution. Reducing your turnaround time can result in a significant increase in your revenue, cash flow and tech productivity

Mapping/ Routing: Mapping and routing can save a ton of money by making your technicians more efficient, and cutting down on your gas bill. You can group the calls by zip code, town, or  set up your own areas or territories. The Plumbers Pack Service Scheduling and Dispatch Software can handle them all.


It makes sense to use a product designed for your industry. Plumbers Pack Service Software provides you with the tools you need in your business. We offer a process that moves the initial information taken during the customer call, to the dispatch board and finally to the technician with our mobile solution. All the information flows back with a click of a button, and can be sent to QuickBooks with another click, after someone reviews what the tech has entered. We allow you to group your services calls by zip or postal code, by town, by area or territory, and we offer a map with our dispatch board that lets you visually review the calls. We can help you keep control of your scheduling and dispatch.

Take a few minutes to join us at our next online webinar and review how the Plumbers Pack Service Software for QuickBooks can help to streamline, and eliminate costly mistakes for your operation and increase your productivity. Call 800-890-8614 to register or visit our website

Be sure to check out our Video of the Month:

Watch how the Plumbers Pack Service Software for QuickBooks can help to eliminate duplication and streamline your scheduling and dispatch processes.

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